Tri-City United High School Classroom Addition/Alterations
Montgomery, Minnesota
ATSR conducted a district-wide master plan study with involvement from a 50-member community task force that had members from three communities within the school district. Design options considered enrollment projections, building capacity, and long-term facilities maintenance. The school board accepted the task force recommendation, which resulted in the passage of a $22.1 million bond referendum that included building improvements at four schools. The community had a desire to expand the career-tech course offerings at the high school. ATSR designed additions to the high school at several locations, including a new science research center and flexible team project area. This “future-ready” project is designed for maximum flexibility, expanding the science, wood shop, ag shop, and automotive curriculum with an emphasis on project-based interdisciplinary learning. Tri-city’s high school students were involved in the planning stage of the project and were thrilled with the result. One student involved in the process commented: “There is more group work and natural light; everything is brighter and a much better atmosphere. Kids are more willing to learn, they’re more focused…it’s a great environment, honestly.”
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2021 Architectural Portfolio
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