The System, A Paul Mitchell Partner School

Springfield, Missouri


Dake Wells Architecture


The System


10,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The 10,500-square-foot interior of an existing retail center was transformed into a modern teaching facility for The System by focusing on the values of the Paul Mitchell methodology and image. Given the limited budget and rapid construction schedule, the design focused on a straightforward planning concept inspired by the Paul Mitchell product line.
Smaller spaces with a need for plumbing are organized into a “tube of color” along the rear edge of the space, recalling the tubes used for coloring hair. A burst of color and light emerges from the tube’s end to highlight the “color bar” where students experience the art of hair colorization.
Black and white is the dominant theme, with colored accents marking the reception area and backbar units. Lighting plays an important role in setting the mood for the instructional space, and Paul Mitchell stock photography is used to create custom banners to disguise steel columns.
New construction was conceived as objects inserted into the existing, unadorned shell, celebrating the “sweet and sour” relationship between the two.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2006 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Vocational/Industrial Arts Areas

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