Spokane Schools, Addition and Renovations

Spokane, Missouri


Dake Wells Architecture


Spokane R-VII School District


28,500 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


With an existing middle school and high school located across a two-lane highway from each other sharing facilities, this rural school district was faced with serious safety concerns. Pedestrians had experienced too many close calls, including a teacher’s pushcart that had been hit by a passing car. The district needed an expansion to the aging middle school and desperately wanted a solution for crossing the road safely.


In response to the growing programmatic needs of the middle school, this solution provides additional classrooms in the form of an elevated bridge that spans the road, strengthening the visibility of the school while providing safe transit between facilities. The building’s plan is organized as a singular gesture spanning the road, with a subtle shift in overall width in response to an existing property easement on the middle school side of the road. This shift marks an interior transition of the single loaded corridor providing a daylit social space for students and faculty.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2014 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Flooring by Tarkett USA
Brick/Masonry by Acme Brick
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Door Hardware by Hager
Door Hardware by Stanley
Doors by Algoma Hardwoods
Elevators by ThyssenKrupp Access
Insulation by Knauf Insulation
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Roofing by McElroy Metal
Windows by EFCO
Lighting & Accessories by HE Williams
Drinking Fountains by Elkay
Hand-Drying Equipment by Excel Dryer
Washroom Accessories by American Specialties
Washroom Fixtures by Zurn
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Global Partitions
HVAC Units by Trane
HVAC Control Devices by Honeywell
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