Joel E. Barber Elementary School, Multipurpose Cafeteria Addition

Lebanon, Missouri


Dake Wells Architecture


Laclede County C-5 School District


7,200 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design professionals often try to double and triple the programmatic needs in planning spaces for small school districts. Also, many of these schools are composed of a collection of brick, CMU and agricultural metal buildings. Utility lines, rooftop units and gravel parking lots often are overlooked. Schools often end up with a visually cluttered arrangement of bandages on their campuses. Designs should not contribute to this common disorganization and visual clutter; they should create hierarchy and bring order to a campus.
This project takes a look at how to screen the ubiquitous rooftop units and clutter that can muddy a new kitchen addition. The building is masonry with the exception of a metal screen wall that hides the rooftop equipment needed for the new kitchen. The screen is a rural material: metal barn siding. The material is humble and reflective of the community, but reinvigorated through thoughtful composition. Something old and comfortable became something new and invigorating for the school and community.

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Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Door Hardware by Schlage
Door Hardware by Von Duprin
Lighting & Accessories by GE Lighting
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
HVAC Units by Cook
Kitchen Equipment by Hobart
Flooring by Tnemec
Brick/Masonry by Midwest Products Group
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