Texas Tech University, Animal and Food Sciences Building

Lubbock, Texas


Texas Tech University Facilities Planning and Construction


Texas Tech Facilities Planning and Construction


55,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Texas Tech Animal and Food Sciences program was scattered in numerous locations, and housed in extremely cramped and antiquated spaces. The goals of the project were to reunite the department, and provide adequate space and a modern, technically advanced learning environment for students.
The Animal and Food Sciences Building was placed on the perimeter of the Texas Tech campus, fronting the existing meat-sciences laboratory. Numerous departments were able to be joined under one roof. Wireless technology equips the entire building, including public spaces, classrooms, food testing, sensory labs, processing labs, offices and graduate-student areas.
“Cowamongus Creamery and Meat Company” launches new food concepts and beckons customers to purchase meat and dairy products, such as frozen custards and ice cream, that are made in the building.
Design motifs incorporated in the project include Western elements such as stars and faux pony-hide upholstery, as well as barbed-wire fencing, rope and a body of water designed in the terrazzo flooring.
Adorning the building’s exterior is a playful and satirical bronze animal sculpture entitled “Bulls” by Peter Woytuk. The sculpture exudes personality and challenges the interpretation of animal form.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Parkhill, Smith & Cooper

Cost per Sq Ft


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2006 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Administrative Areas/Offices

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