Neuqua Valley High School

Naperville, Illinois


ATSR Planners/Architects/Engineers


Indian Prairie Community Unit No. 204


438,700 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Extending back from the main entrance, three academic wings house a central learning media center, science, math, special-needs education, and English on the first floor. The second floor houses centralized forum rooms, foreign language, social studies, drivers’ education, science and business education.
The east portion of the school is anchored by an auditorium with a 65-foot fly space for flexibility in theatrical productions.
Each classroom is equipped with a telephone, computer and television. A computerized school-wide network allows staff, administration and students to talk to one another electronically.
The learning media center, with its variety of large- and small-group areas, provides print, audiovisual, and computer-related resources for the entire instructional program. Three multipurpose forum rooms equipped with visionary computer, audio, video and satellite technology give students, teachers and community groups both large and small areas designed to stimulate face-to-face discussion.
The school is zoned to allow multiple after-school or evening activities without concern for security of other portions of the building, or conflicts between functions.
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting are operated by a computerized-management system. Building security has been incorporated into this system.

Photographer: ©Ralph Berlowitz

“School is of durable brick and has the appearance of a solid, long-lasting facility.”—1998 Architectural Portfolio jury

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft



High School Citation

Featured in

1998 Architectural Portfolio;1998 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Auditoriums/Music Rooms

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