Biddeford Middle School

Biddeford, Maine




Biddeford School Department


144,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The new 780-student middle school for grades 6 to 8 is more than double the size of the school it replaces. A three-story classroom wing was designed for maximum flexibility; each floor contains clusters of classrooms that can accommodate either single-grade or multi-grade teams. Spaces for special-services programs are integrated into each classroom wing to reflect Biddeford’s inclusionary philosophy.
Designed as a modern education facility, the school is intended to promote community involvement. The focal point is a 900-seat auditorium that serves Biddeford’s students and the community. Also included are a full-size gymnasium, cafeteria, library, art rooms, tech-ed rooms, living skills, and band and chorus rooms. The building’s orientation provides an abundance of natural light, reducing the need for artificial light in many spaces.
Planned for long life and low maintenance, the building’s construction is conventional steel-frame with a predominantly all-brick exterior. On the interior, masonry walls were used in all high-abuse areas. A white TPO roof membrane was specified to help reduce heat gain.
The facility is on a 50-acre site that includes the former middle school. The existing primary school, situated across the street, creates a centralized educational campus within the city.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2007 Architectural Portfolio

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