WPI Center for Well-Being
Worcester, Massachusetts
Worcester Polytechnic Institute needed a space that could serve as a campus hub for a comprehensive and holistic set of services to address the community’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Existing space was available in a central location on campus, but it required substantial renovation to meet programmatic needs and aesthetic preferences.
Among the features of the new Center for Well-Being is a large, comfortable central space where students can gather or sit quietly to read, study, or meditate. Small offices are available for peer counseling; another important element is a room for wellness classes like yoga or group meditation. The overall design was meant to co-locate wellness programs with the college’s existing health services to meet a broader range of needs.
Soothing muted colors, natural design elements, including a water feature built into the wall, and large windows to the outside throughout the space contribute to a peaceful environment that is simultaneously removed from the stresses of campus life but central to where the community lives and learns.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Educational Interiors Showcase
Community Center/Joint Use
Interior category
Community Centers/Joint-Use Facilities
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