Waverly City Schools Campus PreK-12

Waverly, Ohio


Waverly City Schools


330,443 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


With inadequate school facilities scattered throughout town, the Waverly community decided to discontinue use of its existing schools and create a new campus that will include two new elementary schools, a new middle and high school.
Through a close relationship with the community, staff and the Ohio School Facilities Commission, the architect designed a campus with a main parkway that separates the two elementary schools from the middle school and high school and their related activities. This addressed the community’s desires to build all the schools on one site and to separate the elementary students from the high school students. The parkway also addresses traffic concerns by directing bus traffic to an exterior loop, and parent, student and staff traffic to the campus’ interior avenues.
The 144-acre site will include nature and cross-country trails and several outdoor plazas that can be used for social gatherings or as outdoor learning spaces. The community’s participation in the campus’ design has led to plans for a community-funded amphitheater.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2001 Architectural Portfolio


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