Sutton Elementary School Addition and Renovation

Owesnboro, Kentucky


RBS Design Group Architecture


Owensboro Public Schools


54,443 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Design team: Craig Thomas (Architect)

Situated in the heart of Owensboro is Sutton Elementary School. This project provided the school with a new athletic performing arts center (APAC) that consists of a gym, a band room, a stage and a classroom, a Family Resource Center, and an open area resource room. A new corridor connects the APAC to the existing facilities.
The existing gym was converted into a media center, and the existing media center was transformed into two classrooms. Other upgrades included a new suspended acoustical panel ceiling and a sprinkler system.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

CMTA Consulting Engineers; Wilkie Structural Engineering, LLC, HRC, PLLC



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Architectural Portfolio



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