Rocky River Middle School, Media Center Renovation

Rocky River, Ohio


Rocky River City School District


3,475 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The media center renovation has successfully transformed a traditional library into a modern, multifunctional space that caters to students, teachers, and the community. A key design feature is the addition of a makerspace equipped with advanced technology such as a 3D printer, Glowforge machine, wood carving machine, Cricut machine, heat press, Tinkerspace, STREAM lab, Clevertouch displays, and Legos. The space also has one central teaching wall and four breakout areas with marker boards and monitor displays.

The reuse of existing bookcases fosters a blend of traditional learning with modern technology. The new color scheme harmonizes with the school’s colors, offering visual continuity with district buildings. The ceiling colors create an illusion of architectural beams, and a deep red accent wall invites you into the space.

State-of-the-art technology and versatile, movable furniture create an adaptable and welcoming environment enjoyed by students and staff. The space is designed to accommodate special programs, making it a valuable resource for the school community. This renovation enhances the overall experience and functionality of the media center.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2024 Educational Interiors Showcase



Interior category

Interior Renovation

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