PS 70 X Pool

Bronx, New York


Macrae-Gibson Architects, P.C.


New York City School Construction Authority


5,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


In the United States, 25 percent of children under 18 are overweight or obese, putting them at elevated risk for Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and other related health risks. The crisis is worse in disadvantaged areas such as the South Bronx, where this project is situated. The overall intent of the project is to address this problem.
The design aims to create a unique place of physical learning and self-awareness within the school where the body can be allowed a respite from the deprivations and misunderstood indulgences of underprivileged urban childhood. The aim is to create a facility that encourages and supports physical education and health consciousness through teaching. It also encourages the possibility of reflection: on the continuity of life, on the nature of water and light, on the physical body, and on the nature of mobility and change.

“Thoughtful and impressive renovation. Nice introduction of daylighting, giving the area identity.”–2008 jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Bronze Citation

Featured in

2008 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

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