Erasmus Hall High School, Pool Restoration

Brooklyn, New York


Macrae-Gibson Architects, P.C.


New York School Construction Authority


5,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Erasmus Hall High School is the site of the oldest school in New York City. Its large indoor pool dates from the 1920s. When the architect was called in, the pool had been out of use for almost a year because of severe deterioration. Because this pool was the only sports facility in the building and neighborhood, local political pressure resulted in an expedited schedule and close scrutiny.
In just eight weeks, the architect assessed the issues and updated the pool using the latest in modern materials (super-fast drying cement, a high-tech waterproof membrane with epoxy grout). The skylight, ceilings and lighting were renovated in a manner sympathetic to the unique historical context of the facility. A new concrete tank and new tilework were installed. Stainless-steel pool gutters and mechanical equipment were refurbished. New pool equipment, including competition clocks, racing platforms and lifeguard stations, was introduced.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Severud Associates Consulting Engineers, PC

Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Interior Renovation

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