Northeastern University, Behrakis Health Sciences Center & West Village Residence Hall

Boston, Massachusetts


Pressley Associates, Landscape Architects


Northeastern University


98,100 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Within the last decade, Northeastern University’s residential and academic buildings have expanded considerably. Through landscape improvements, the university transformed a campus that once was dominated by asphalt to a pleasant, green environment for learning.
The new Behrakis Health Sciences Center blends seamlessly into the campus. It is connected to a four-level parking deck, which in turn is connected to new graduate student housing. The roof of the parking deck is an acre garden, which maintains visual continuity with the campus while providing a setting for students to lounge on the lawns, participate in outdoor classes, or enjoy the scents of flowers and shrubs. The garden facilitates access to and from the upper levels of each building, including the Science Center and West Village Residence Hall. It provides an intimate green space and integrates the new complex into the campus.
The rooftop design features curvilinear walks through ornamental grasses, perennials, shrubs and trees. The roof garden uses a design vocabulary and palette of materials that provides an antidote to its urban, orthogonal setting.
Total cost includes site preparation, paving, planting, site improvements, lighting and irrigation.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Kyu Sung Woo Architect; Rothman Partners Architects

Featured in

2003 Architectural Portfolio



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