McGhee Elementary School

Channelview, Texas




Channelview ISD


161,836 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


McGhee Elementary is a new campus that consolidates two aging schools into a contemporary setting for K-5 students. Reading comprehension was a guiding force in the design. The team created a dynamic library that connects the entry to academic wings—illustrating that reading is important to the learning journey.

The library is composed of core stacks, group settings, a makerspace and an overlook with an area for presentations. Forms within the library reflect the organic nature of a park—with “topographical” changes, spaces for refuge and tree-like structures that extend upward to the second floor. The adjacent courtyard mimics this kinetic style to create a united indoor/outdoor learning space. Bold colors and generous natural light enhance a sense of fun and exploration. A variety of space provides student autonomy in selecting a comfortable spot for reading or peer-to-peer connection.

A series of ramps flow naturally throughout the library to aid accessibility between levels and provide all students with a retreat to read. The ramps feature writable surfaces and spaces to sit within the casework.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Stewart Builders

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2023 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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