Lincoln Street Elementary School

Northborough, Massachusetts


Lamoureux Pagano Associates Architects


Town of Northborough, MA


45,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Constructed in 1965, the Lincoln Street Elementary School needed to be modernized and expanded to meet contemporary learning and teaching needs. An 8,000-square-foot addition provided a new gymnasium and music spaces; that freed the old gym to be transformed into a media center and computer lab.
Colorful, durable finishes update the aesthetic and create seamless integration between the old and new sections of the school. The finishes were designed to help orient people by emphasizing different colors in different sections of the building. Curved and rounded forms in flooring, lighting, and exterior canopies soften the dominant rectilinear forms of the original building.
An existing courtyard is now better integrated with the interior spaces of the school; windows added in the media center offer views across the courtyard into the cafeteria. Classroom renovations added wireless technology and interactive whiteboards. Closing off exterior classroom doors and adding doors between classrooms bolster security and facilitate team teaching and project-based learning.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2018 Educational Interiors Showcase



Interior category

Interior Renovation

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