LaSalle Academy, Shea Science and Student Center

Providence, Rhode Island


The Robinson Green Beretta Corporation


LaSalle Academy


44,600 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Opening photo: ©Frank Giuliani
The program for this private preparatory high school called for an increase in the science curricula; a larger 450-seat cafeteria; and a more centralized location for the campus ministry, including a chapel and office space.
The circulation from the main four-story classroom building required an enclosed, raised walkway connection from the second and third floors. Because of overall campus site patterns, the building design needed to mitigate flow between the parking and athletic fields to the original building through the new structure. The project occupied the last buildable place on campus; it had to address multiple concerns and converging uses.
The laboratory classrooms are a combined model with lab and group instructional seating in the same room.
A mix of brick colors creates a pattern of banding and accents to complement nearby existing campus buildings. A construction-management process allowed for multiple value-engineering scenarios.
Environmental features include a direct-digital HVAC network control system, increased building envelope energy efficiency, low-flow laboratory fume exhausts, increased energy efficiency for mechanical/electrical systems and low-VOC/sustainable interior finishes.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2005 Architectural Portfolio

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