Cumberland High School, Wellness Center

Cumberland, Rhode Island


The Robinson Green Beretta Corporation


Town of Cumberland


37,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Termed a “wellness center” for its multifunctional use of classrooms, sports and main gathering space, the new physical-education facility at Cumberland High School houses four classrooms, three regulation-sized basketball courts, a three-lane running track, locker and shower facilities, a weightroom, wrestling room and concessions.
The design takes advantage of the sloped site, placing locker and mechanical rooms into the hillside and allowing the gym to open at grade. The main entrance opens to the higher elevation, providing dramatic views of the gym space from the lobby. The full overhead-door component and column-free space make it attractive for hosting large venues.
The facility was designed to be energy-conscious and expandable. Translucent wall panels provide daylight and reduce lighting costs. The overall structure was sized to accommodate additional classrooms.
Other materials used were brick block glass curtainwall, metal panels, TPO roof and asphalt shingle materials. Mechanical systems include gas-fired air conditioners and heaters mounted to the ceiling to maximize the square footage in classrooms.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2007 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Physical Education Facilities/Recreation Centers

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