J.R. Briggs Elementary School

Ashburnham, Massachusetts


Lamoureux Pagano Associates Architects


Town of Ashburnham, MA


86,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The 520-student, 86,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art elementary school was designed to support Ashburnham’s elementary school population for the next 50 years. The building contains many innovative features, including specially designed space for an early childhood and extended day program. Common areas outside classrooms provide flexible learning spaces for tutorials and team projects.


Sustainable features include a wood pellet boiler, low-water plumbing fixtures, acoustical ratings and daylighting. A Massachusetts Collaborative for High Performance Schools rating was received.


The site was carefully designed to enhance safety and efficiency by separating bus, parent, and service traffic. The new school was positioned very close to the existing school due to site constraints including protection of a vernal pool, allowing students to observe the construction of their new school.


The exterior pitched roofs, materials, and colors are similar to Ashburnham’s notable architecture. Technology includes 1:1 wireless (one student/one device) and interactive white boards in each instructional space.


A “Building Project of the Year Award” was received from CMAA for the team’s diligence regarding schedule, budget, minimal change orders, innovative design and appearance of the building.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


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2014 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Physical-Education Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Brick/Masonry by Glen-Gery
Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Windows by EFCO
Roofing by IKO Industries
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