Greenville High School, Food Court and Cafeteria

Greenville, Pennsylvania


HHSDR Architects/Engineers


Greenville Area School District


174,300 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As part of a districtwide building renovation and expansion program, this facility added space for increased enrollment and special programs, upgraded energy efficiency and technology, and replaced mechanical and electrical systems.
The project added a food court, cafeteria and kitchen to provide an expanded menu and appealing dining environment. Handicapped accessibility also was incorporated. Telecommunications, video and data technology was distributed to instructional spaces and offices via a network. The building envelope (roof, windows and facade) was replaced to enhance the appearance of the facility and provide an energy-efficient environment.
New HVAC and electrical systems were installed. Accent colors, columns and skylights were added to create interest and provide a pleasing environment for students and staff. Additional space was added for the district offices and science labs. Renovations were done to the existing classrooms, auditorium, media center, gym, and art and music rooms.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2001 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Cafeterias/Food-Service Areas

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