Festus School District High School Band & Choral Addition
Festus, Missouri
The new Festus High School Band & Choral Addition enhances the educational environment for music instruction and rehearsals. Flexible, acoustically appropriate spaces promote creativity and provide needed classrooms that meet the specific requirements of music students and instructors. The addition features a two-story high-bay rehearsal venue with a sizable window element to provide ample daylight and outdoor views. Exterior venue doors provide easy loading and unloading of equipment into vehicles and buses. Modern, lockable instrument storage and mezzanine storage adjacent to the venue are easily accessed to provide quick stowing and retrieval of equipment. Large, custom wall graphics and acoustical panels properly balance sound absorption and diffusion while displaying school brand elements and infusing school pride. Numerous additional music classrooms and rehearsal spaces increase opportunities for students to practice and collaborate. A daylight-filled connection corridor features interior windows to transfer natural light into interior spaces. The addition’s exterior materials and finishes blend with the existing school campus for continuity and harmony.
Additional Information
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Auditoriums/Music Rooms
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