Kirkwood School District, Tillman Elementary School Library
Kirkwood, Missouri
The Tillman Elementary School’s new library is part of a three-story classroom and library wing addition built to alleviate overcrowding. The library is designed for flexibility, comfort, and learning curiosity among its young users. Large windows surround the entirety of the library to provide ample daylight and outdoor views. Artfully designed, noise-cancelling acoustical blades are positioned over a spacious Story Time area featuring carpeted seating zones and a bright colored feature wall for an appropriate level of student stimulation and focus. Mobile furniture and stacks create a flexible learning environment for group and independent study. Colorful seating steps, poufs, and beanbags afford students fun options to enhance their library experience. A private corner room accommodates quiet testing and tutoring activities. Teachers and students also use the library’s feature lobby that incorporates large district branding graphics and cozy seating areas for gathering and project-based learning.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers
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