Festus R-VI School District Performing Arts Center
Festus, Missouri
The new, sophisticated Performing Arts Center (PAC) addresses the needs of various performance opportunities for the community and school teaching environment.
With its distinctive metal panel façade, the PAC supports the performing arts program and provides performance and practice spaces for music and theater departments. The auditorium seats 750 and includes a large stage and fly loft. Seating capacity is mostly spread over the raked main floor with additional seating on raised levels at the rear of the auditorium. The large wood proscenium includes recessed linear cove lighting. Using many design components, the theater includes textured masonry, auditorium seating, glass rail system, an ADA-compliant stage, orchestra pit, and band/choral shells and risers.
A monumental stair with a clustered glass chandelier connects to the existing school and descends to a dramatic faux wood portal. The portal is illuminated with recessed linear lights and directs patrons to the auditorium entry corridor.
Designers used modern and simple elements throughout the interior with a “higher-education ambience” to uplift the educational atmosphere and inspire students.
Additional Information
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2023 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Auditoriums/Music Rooms
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