Bryant University, Physician Assistant Learning Center

Smithfield, Rhode Island


LLB Architects


Bryant University


10,200 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The university looked to establish a School of Health Sciences that would be anchored by a graduate Physician Assistant Degree. Housed in an addition to the largest academic building on campus, the interior spaces were designed to accommodate the specific and unique needs of the program.
The transparent façade of the addition allows for an abundance of natural light and showcases the bustling activity within the building. The space includes a grand staircase and a lounge area offset by walls of glass and brick.
To prepare the students for a healthcare environment, care was taken to replicate hospital and patient care settings. The classrooms and laboratories were designed to seamlessly facilitate the transition from classroom to physician’s office. Students can practice skills directly on high-fidelity patient simulation mannequins. The location of laboratory equipment is identical to most hospital settings so educators can simulate real-world situations to help students build confidence and learn first-class patient-care skills. The addition includes both lecture and team-learning-style classrooms, a high-fidelity simulation laboratory, and a realistic physical examination laboratory.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Joe Casali Engineering, Odeh Engineers, Wozny Barbar & Associates, Lavallee / Brensinger Architects

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2017 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category


Product suppliers specified

Carpet by Milliken
Flooring by Milliken
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by 3Form

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