Baylor University Medical Center, Caruth Labor and Delivery Center

Dallas, Texas


Rees Associates, Inc.


Baylor University Medical Center


22,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Caruth Labor and Delivery Center provides the renowned Baylor University Medical Center with a new environment to lead its obstetrics department into the future. This new environment enabled and supported the staff in strengthening its reputation as “the best place in Dallas to have a baby” in the highly competitive marketplace.
The architect met the goal of giving the unit not only a new look, but also a new environment for the delivery of care. This environment was designed to reflect the excitement and anticipation that comes with welcoming a new baby, but also fosters a sense of comfort and “home.” Working with physicians and staff, the architect created a timeless finish palette mindful of the maintenance this type of unit requires. One aspect of the design was to create a gallery of photographic artwork as a tribute to babies born at Baylor. The photography also is featured throughout the unit.
The project encompassed 22,000 square feet and includes a prenatal diagnostic center, obstetric observation/triage unit and delivery center. It had 12 phases in response to staff concerns of minimizing disturbance during construction.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2008 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Healthcare Facilities/Teaching Hospitals

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