Yeshiva of Greater Washington, Boys Division Expansion
Silver Spring, Maryland
Design Team
Michael Blake, Dane Lawrence
The Yeshiva Boys Division is for boys in grades 7 through 12. Yeshiva’s curriculum consists of three levels of high school courses—regular, honors, and A.P. classes—as well as a college preparatory program and Judaic studies such as Gemara, which is focused on Chumash, Jewish law, and Hebrew language.
The expansion project involves constructing a gymnasium, dining, and classroom addition to the existing school building along with a dormitory building that will enable the campus to operate as both a day and boarding school. The dormitory is directly connected to the academic building to create a live/learn-style environment. Unique aspects include site improvements to provide separate access points for the middle school, high school, and dormitory entrances along with a new 240-seat Beis Medrash—“House of Learning”—designed to be used by both students and the school community at large.
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Cost per Sq Ft
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2022 Architectural Portfolio
Work in Progress
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