Windward Community College, Library Learning Commons
Kane'ohe, Hawaii
Embracing the evolution of education in the 21st century, the Windward Community College Library Learning Commons encourages all styles of learning for its students while inspiring interaction and promoting sustainability.
With classrooms, a state-of-the-art media center and a coffee shop, the Library Learning Commons serves as an ideal academic campus center that combines five previous individual buildings. The levels of the library are organized by their functions; the lower level is a more public and active zone, and the upper level is a more private study zone.
The selection and placement of specific interior design features and materials aided in creating an intuitive learning experience for the user. These features, such as the carpet tiles, provided silent cues signaling appropriate behavior and acoustical levels of noise. Wayfinding elements also help in expressing movement and guide users throughout the space.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2013 Educational Interiors
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers