Wilbur Watts Intermediate School (Work in Progress)

Burlington City, New Jersey


Massa Multimedia Architecture


City of Burlington Public Schools


86,226 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


New Jersey’s Executive Order No. 24, the “Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act,” the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA,) and the New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation (NJSCC) all were an integral part of the educational design process for the new Wilbur Watts Intermediate School. The project incorporates unique solutions to the district’s educational deficiencies and is the result of this legislation and the relationship that the architect has developed with the NJEDA, NJSCC and the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE).

This project involves the demolition of the existing Wilbur Watts, which houses grades 4 to 6. The new Wilbur Watts Intermediate School will house grades 3 to 6, as well as the board of education offices. In addition, this campus will house a separate maintenance facility, and the district’s main high school football field and track.

The new school will be designed in the spirit of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). It will be equipped with the latest technology and building security with controlled zones. The entire building will have HVAC commissioning prior to turning over the building for occupancy.


Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2003 Architectural Portfolio


Work in Progress

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