Weymouth High School

Weymouth, Massachusetts


Drummey Rosane Anderson


Town of Weymouth, Mass.


228,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The town of Weymouth was presented with a common problem that was resolved with a unique solution. Because of budgetary constraints, the cost for a new high school to support the 2,200 students was prohibitive. The architect developed a campus-style plan. It called for a separate structure to support the math, science and technology programs, and used the existing facility, with minimal renovations, to serve arts and humanities.
Although this configuration challenged the common perception of school organization, the administration embraced the plan and its ability to achieve the schools’ educational program objective. Security and operational concerns over the use of two separate structures were mitigated by the addition of two raised connectors that provide interior passage between the facilities.
The new building also hosts world language and computer science; vocational shops including HVAC, automotive technology, CADD drafting and cosmetology; a cafeteria for half the student population; and a library to serve the entire facility. Additionally, the renovated building serves as the campus’ performing-arts center with an 800-seat auditorium, band, choral and electronic music classrooms.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2005 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

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