West Genesee High School, Additions and Renovations

Camillus, New York


Robertson Strong Apgar Architects


West Genesee Central School District


296,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


West Genesee Central School District’s high school was crowded because of its small classrooms and a poor circulation system.
This project’s 144,000 square feet of renovated space and 152,000 square feet of additions included renovating the existing two-story classroom wing by enlarging classroom size, removing a three-story classroom tower, and providing additions to the building of classroom spaces appropriately sized for today’s educational processes.
A critical goal of the project was to provide a circulation system that allowed for ease of access to any portion of the building. The new design incorporates a series of interlocking and expanding circulation loops linking all portions of the school together with the library and administration at two circulation hubs.
The design also provides a sense of entry at the main entry points: athletics, student entry and administration. Additions include a new main instruction wing, gymnasium, administration wing, library, cafeteria, science rooms and interchangeable classrooms, including high-tech spaces.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2006 Architectural Portfolio

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