Wellsville Central School District, Additions and Renovations

Wellsville, New York


Hunt Engineers, Architects & Surveyors


Wellsville Central School District


91,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


This $27 million districtwide additions and renovations project includes the elementary and high schools, bus garage and new athletic complex.

A total of 18 classrooms were renovated at the elementary school, reconfiguring them from an open format to traditional design. Acoustical ceiling panels and new air-handling units and climate controls make the rooms more comfortable and energy-efficient. Exterior work includes two new playgrounds, roof replacement and parking lot rehabilitation.

At the high school, the gymnasium renovation includes new floor finishes, bleachers and wall pads. Outdated roof systems were replaced, and new energy-efficient window panels replaced outdated windows.

The architect worked with the district to maximize state funding to upgrade the athletic complex, including four new tennis courts, an improved practice field, a new eight-lane running track and artificial-turf football/soccer field. 

Keeping all the athletic fields at the elementary school site cleared several hurdles for the district, including overcoming the site constraints at the high school, permitting an increase in the maximum cost allowance while also minimizing the tax impact.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2013 Architectural Portfolio



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