Webb School of Knoxville, Upper School Achievement Center
Knoxville, Tennessee
The Upper School Achievement Center is focused on innovation in learning and features an immersive learning visualization lab with a full wall 18-foot-by-6-foot touch screen. Adjacent spaces in the research and innovation center provide opportunities for augmented reality and virtual reality studies as well as collaborative workspaces. The library is primarily focused on digital media and innovation; stacks have been moved to a quiet zone elsewhere in the building.
This innovative achievement center addition has been placed at the center of the upper school building as an easy resource for students. The entry to the center is placed prominently in a popular student commons/gathering area. The commons features ample collaborative areas as well as a new cafe serving bar.
The design team conducted extensive research to guide the school as it strives to meet its mission of “re-imagining an extraordinary education.” Clearly, innovative education spaces are changing at a rapid pace and have transformed classroom designs.
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Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2023 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Libraries/Media Centers
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