Village Oaks Elementary School

Immokalee, Florida


Zyscovich Architects


District School Board of Collier County


94,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Village Oaks Elementary project included a full-scope confirmation analysis, as well as existing facility and systems assessments. After review, the school was modernized under the district’s plan to convert existing K-5 elementary schools to a K-6 grade configuration through reprogramming, remodeling and a major addition to upgrade the facility to current district and educational standards. The program integrated more than 20,000 square feet of new construction containing classrooms, administration and guidance areas, and a P.E. shelter.
About 68,000 square feet of renovation work included ADA toilet upgrades, the creation of shared teacher-planning areas and a new HVAC system with electrical upgrades.
The design expanded the site and facilities to create a new face to the campus, and provided separate age-group areas within the facility and a centralized exterior learning courtyard. The facelift was completed by replacing the school’s entire roof system. The new campus is highly secure, utilizing a main entry situated at the administration area. The campus also provides extended on-site dropoffs and expanded parking.

Additional Information



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Movable Partitions/Walls by Hufcor
Carpet by Mohawk Commercial Carpet
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Elevators by Otis Elevator
Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Washroom Accessories by Bradley Corporation
Insulation by Dow
Insulation by Owens Corning
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