Van Wert 6-12 School and Scott M. Niswonger Performing Arts Center of Northwest Ohio

Van Wert, Ohio


Buehrer Group Architecture & Engineering


Van Wert City Schools


281,775 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Van Wert City Schools’ 6-12 School and the privately funded Scott M. Niswonger Performing Arts Center of Northwest Ohio (NPAC) is a 281,775-square-foot building designed for 1,349 high school and middle school students. The floor plan has four main building functions: high school on the south, middle school on the north, athletics on the west, and performing arts on the east.
Separation of the high school and middle school students was an important issue for the school district. Classroom entrances, student dropoff and parking were placed on opposing sides of the school, allowing the shared spaces of the library and dining to act as the center separating “spine.”
Spaces for the arts, including instrumental, vocal, art and industrial arts, are adjacent to the performing-arts center, taking advantage of the stage, practice space, and scene and set construction for stage productions.
The grand lobby of the NPAC, with its 55-foot ceilings, invites the public into a regal space of granite floors, stairs and custom Anegre wood wall panels. It is flanked by a lecture hall seating 1,275 to one side and the grand auditorium on the opposing side. The auditorium provides comfortable seating for 1,200 patrons. With its “flying” balcony, stage and full-fly lofts, it is one of the finest performance areas in northwestern Ohio.
The high school gym provides seats for 2,512 fans. Other athletic spaces include six locker rooms, weightrooms and a wrestling room. A middle school gymnasium enables 522 spectators to view sporting events and has four accompanying locker rooms. The 9,700-square-foot student dining space/lobby accommodates pre- and post-game athletic celebrations and student gatherings.
When simultaneous athletic and cultural events occur, parking congestion is avoided by having the two large public venues at opposing ends of the school facility.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

Fisher & Associates



Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2008 Architectural Portfolio



Product suppliers specified

Washroom/Shower Partitions by Santana Products
Library/Media Center Furniture by Brodart
Library/Media Center Furniture by Sauder
Security Systems by Honeywell
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Irwin Seating
Doors by Cross Aluminum Products
HVAC Control Devices by Invensys
Computer Furniture by Heidt
Computer Furniture by KI
Classroom Furniture by Heidt
Classroom Furniture by KI
Movable Partitions/Walls by Hufcor
Door Hardware by Sargent
Bleachers/Grandstands by Hussey Seating
IAQ Devices by Invensys
Emergency Lighting by Lithonia Lighting
Carpet by Collins & Aikman
Card Systems by Locknetics
Draperies/Blinds by Draper
Lighting & Accessories by Lithonia Lighting
Windows by Manko Window Systems
Washroom Fixtures by Kohler
Washroom Fixtures by Zurn
Drinking Fountains by Oasis
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Cabinets by Stevens Roofing Systems
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Cafeteria Furniture by KI
Cafeteria Furniture by Sico America
HVAC Units by McQuay
Athletic Equipment by Performance Sports Systems (PSS)
Scoreboards/Clocks by Fair-Play Scoreboards
Clocks/Time Management by Bogen Communications
Hand-Drying Equipment by American Dryer
Signage by Columbus Graphics
Kitchen Equipment by Hobart
Kitchen Equipment by Metro
Kitchen Equipment by Servolift
Kitchen Equipment by Traulsen
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by PolyVision
Plumbing by Anvil
Plumbing by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry
Roofing by McElroy Metal
Elevators by Otis Elevator
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Securitron
Locks by Adams Rite
Locks by Sargent
Ceramic Tile by American Olean
Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Flooring by Wausau Tile
Science Furniture by Campbell Rhea
Washroom Accessories by Gamco
Washroom Accessories by Jacknob
Communications Systems by Cisco Systems
Physical-Education Flooring by Moose Sports Surfaces
Office Furniture by HON
Insulation by Firestone Building Products
Insulation by Hunter Douglas
Insulation by Johns Manville
Insulation by Owens Corning
Lockers by Republic Storage Systems
Brick/Masonry by Belden Brick
Brick/Masonry by Evans Limestone
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