Van Sickle Middle School/Springfield High School
Springfield, Massachusetts
Van Sickle Middle School/High School was an existing 140,000-square-foot school building constructed in 1930, and renovated and expanded by 79,000 square feet to accommodate a contemporary middle school program for 1,200 students.
The historical significance of the existing structure was preserved with restoration work and enhanced by the construction of architecturally compatible additions. A 61,000-square-foot wing of the existing building built in 1968 was renovated to house a 300-student alternative high school. Architecturally, the new additions created a continuity between the schoolhouse classicism of the original three-story building and the modern functionalism aesthetic of the 1968 addition. New infill construction provided the appropriate scale and level of architectural detailing to connect what had been an abrupt transition between the dissimilar wings of the existing building.
Completed in March 2002, the entire facility meets all the programmatic and technological requirements of a 21st-century academic program.
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Featured in
2002 Architectural Portfolio
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