University of Texas at Arlington, Center for Nanostructure Materials and Quantum Device Fabrication
Arlington, Texas
his project transformed a 25-year-old bookstore into a modern scientific research site, including a 10,000-square-foot cleanroom, along with office, classroom and conference spaces. The university wanted this accomplished as quickly as possible within budget.
A nontraditional design approach, in which an expert cleanroom contractor began working while some design work still was being completed, accelerated the process significantly. The team worked closely with city officials to ensure that environmental concerns were addressed.
To support a facility of this kind, most of the building’s systems had to be upgraded. The project is similar to a building within a building because the cleanroom space must remain independent of public areas. The facility also has high demands for water and power sources, specialized gases and compressed air. To prepare for unknown future needs of this technology, all of the building’s infrastructure systems were designed at 25 percent more than current needs.
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2001 Architectural Portfolio
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