University of South Carolina Upstate, Health Education Complex

Spartanburg, South Carolina


McMillan Smith & Partners Architects, PLLC


University of South Carolina Upstate


150,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


As the largest building on the 308-acre University of South Carolina Upstate campus, the new Health Education Complex is a hub of activity for students. The design combines the strong academic programs of the Mary Black School of Nursing and the School of Education with enrollment services, the university bookstore and a wellness center. The facility provides first-rate recreation, exercise, information and instructional opportunities for the campus community.

With its classrooms, labs, tiered lecture halls, study rooms, expanded bookstore, open gathering areas, and coffee bar and deli, the facility is a synergistic blend of academic, recreation and social spaces.

Functionally, the combination of academic guidance, financial services and a bookstore created a seamless enrollment-management function and a hub of student activity. The facility is close to the residential living core, on axis with the proposed growth of the campus, and reflects a timeless traditional feel of brick and stone already established on the campus.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2009 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

HVAC Control Devices by Johnson Controls
Movable Partitions/Walls by Haworth
Door Hardware by DORMA Architectural Hardware
Bleachers/Grandstands by Sturdisteel
Emergency Lighting by Cooper Lighting
Carpet by Milliken
Carpet by Monterey
Lighting & Accessories by Cooper Lighting
Windows by YKK
Washroom Fixtures by Crane Plastics
Drinking Fountains by Elkay
Ceilings by Celotex
HVAC Units by Carrier
Athletic Equipment by AALCO
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by PolyVision
Roofing by Johns Manville
Elevators by Otis Elevator
Fire/Life-Safety Systems by Johnson Controls
Ceramic Tile by Crossville
Ceramic Tile by Shaw
Physical-Education Flooring by Connor Sport Court
Insulation by Johns Manville
Lockers by Hollman
Auditorium/Assembly Furniture by Irwin Seating
Computer Furniture by KI
Computer Furniture by KI
Lounge Furniture by Brayton
Office Furniture by Steelcase
Office Furniture by Turnstone
Paint/Wallcoverings by Sherwin-Williams
Science Furniture by Sheldon Laboratory Systems
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