University of Oklahoma, Indoor Rowing Training Center

Norman, Oklahoma


GSB, Inc. Architects & Planners


University of Oklahoma


25,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Associated Firms: Legacy Engineering (Civil), Mark Eudaley Engineers (Structural), ZRHD (MEP), InRiver Tank & Boat (Rowing Tank)

GSB, Inc. provided programming, project design, construction documents and construction administration for the new Indoor Rowing Training and Athletic Department Storage Facility at the University of Oklahoma. The facility houses a 12,000-square-foot rowing practice facility and a 13,000-square-foot storage warehouse.
The Indoor Rowing Training Facility includes a dynamic propulsion rowing tank, an erg training room, a therapy room with hydro therapy tanks, locker rooms, a laundry facility, a team meeting room, a student lounge, and offices. The dynamic propulsion rowing tank accommodates up to 16 rowers, and the perimeter deck enables coaches to study the rowers’ technique from all angles and offer real-time feedback.
The lobby offers visitors panoramic views of the tank and the erg training room. Large projectors and screens enable users to simulate outdoor rowing experiences.
The Athletic Department Storage Facility provides storage for track & field equipment, traffic control items, gates and turnstiles, marketing materials, field maintenance equipment, and semi-hazardous materials.
This cutting-edge facility represents the highest standard in collegiate rowing training venues and has contributed to the success of this young program, which has already claimed four conference titles. It will enhance recruiting, team performance and the student-athlete experience for years to come.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2016 Architectural Portfolio


Sports Stadiums/Athletic Facilities

Product suppliers specified

Physical-Education Flooring by Dal-Tile
Physical-Education Flooring by Shaw
Lockers by Penco Products
Lighting & Accessories by Visa Lighting
Flooring by nora systems, Inc.
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