University of North Florida, University Center
Jacksonville, Florida
Reynolds, Smith and Hills provided architectural, engineering, telecommunications, audiovisual, landscape and interior design services for the new multipurpose educational complex at the University of North Florida. The 95,000-square-foot complex, known as University Center, serves as a for-profit, self-sustaining regional conferencing facility with complete food service, kitchen and dining capabilities.
The mission of the center is to offer professional development, career advancement and life enrichment opportunities through a wide variety of credit and non-credit programs. Satisfaction of this mission is assured by providing 31 separate meeting/conference/teaching rooms, accommodating between 10 and 790 persons, respectively. Each room is served by a full compliment of distance-learning systems and hardware, all reporting back to a central telecommunications head-end room.
Photographers: ©Sue Root Barker/Barker Photographer and ©Neil Rashba Photography
Additional Information
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
1999 Architectural Portfolio