University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Baker and Huger Hall and Rose Garden Community

Lafayette, Louisiana


Niles Bolton Associates


University of Louisiana at Lafayette


519,390 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


At the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, the architect conducted an assessment of the schools’ existing housing stock and recommended which housing facilities to renovate or replace. In order to ensure the design for the project was conducive to the long-term growth plan, the design team created a facilities master plan.

The resulting project delivered about 1,934 beds on two sites in two phases. Baker Hall, a 462-bed student residence, and Olivier Tower, a six-level, 852-space mixed-use parking deck, opened in fall 2011. Huger Hall was completed in spring 2012. The Rose Garden community, consisting of two new residence halls and the renovation of three historic halls, was completed in fall 2012.

Each new building features a full masonry facade with cast-stone accent panels and window headers to match the historic buildings on campus. The new buildings were situated carefully to preserve the substantial live oaks that surround the project and to blend with the adjacent renovated residence halls.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2013 Architectural Portfolio

Product suppliers specified

Ceramic Tile by Dal-Tile
Paint/Wallcoverings by Benjamin Moore
Lounge Furniture by Campbell Rhea
Multipurpose Areas Furniture by National Office Furniture
Office Furniture by Carolina Business
Carpet by Shaw
Flooring by Earthworks
Flooring by Armstrong World Industries
Ceilings by Armstrong World Industries
Lounge Furniture by Grand Manor Furniture
Residence Hall Furniture by University Loft
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