University of Colorado—Colorado Springs, El Pomar Center and Kraemer Family Library Expansion

Colorado Springs, Colorado


H+L Architecture


University of Colorado—Colorado Springs


153,396 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The need for library and communications-technology expansion at UCCS presented an opportunity to create a singular focal element in a linear/hillside campus. Drawing from the surrounding university buildings, this landmark structure, with its slim illuminated clock tower, marks a ceremonial public space and represents the intellectual heart of the campus.
The interior spaces are organized around the apsidal form of south-facing reading rooms, study areas and student workspaces. Unparalleled views of Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak are seen through recessed window walls. The expanded library coexists with new facilities for computing services, media services/CU-net and telecommunications. The tools of technology and electronic media are expressed throughout against a backdrop of soft maple woodwork and furniture with a color palette of rich blues, majestic purples and sage greens.
The work of Colorado artists are on permanent display at the library.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2002 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Libraries/Media Centers

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