University of Central Florida, Recreation Services Building

Orlando, Florida


Farmer Baker Barrios Architects

RDG Bussard Dikis


University of Central Florida


84,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The University of Central Florida’s goals were to contribute to its students’ quality of life, attract new students and retain current ones. A shift from the previous commuter-based population to that of on-campus students is the fuel for this facility and the adjacent residential housing to the south.
Many challenges were faced in planning this facility. The building is between an existing pool to the west and utility line to the east. Strong relationships are established and maintained through critical access to the street to the north and exterior plaza to the south. The solution serves to strengthen a pedestrian circulation spine that skirts the east facade.
The design takes cues from key architectural forms and existing materials on campus. Large amounts of glass are included in the design, allowing views of the facility and showcasing its dynamic movement. A 50-foot-tall masonry and glass cylinder houses a 40-foot freestanding climbing wall. This creates a signature entry element for the southern portion of campus.

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft


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2002 Architectural Portfolio

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