Unity Elementary School

Sioux City, Iowa


Cannon Moss Brygger & Associates Architects


Sioux City Community Schools


89,107 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Schools often are nostalgic brick boxes designed by adults for adults. This school was designed for imaginative children who are not confined by straight lines and dull colors. It features a variety of shapes, colors, materials and textures. The core spaces were designed for anticipated expansion.
A cooperative community effort involving the school district and the city (which participated in the cost and planning) was required. Coordination with the district, city, civil engineers, architects, adjoining property owners, and separate site and building contractors had to be orchestrated carefully to meet schedules and co-occupy the same site.
The colors, shapes and textures of the various materials not only gave the building a unique look, but also lowered costs and enhanced the speed of construction. Comparative schools built simultaneously in the district cost 25 percent more and had construction periods three to four months longer.

“An inspiring, inviting space for students.”–2009 jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Bronze Citation

Featured in

2009 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Common Areas

Product suppliers specified

Washroom/Shower Partitions by Capitol Partitions
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Comtec
Washroom/Shower Partitions by Santana Products
Wire Management by Cope Centipede
Doors by Kawneer
Doors by Steelcraft
Doors by VT Industries
HVAC Control Devices by KMC Controls
Door Hardware by LCN Closers
Door Hardware by Reese Enterprises, Inc.
Door Hardware by Rockwood
Door Hardware by Schlage
Door Hardware by Stanley
Door Hardware by Von Duprin
Carpet by Interface
Draperies/Blinds by Hunter Douglas
Windows by Kawneer
Washroom Fixtures by Bradley Corporation
Washroom Fixtures by Church
Washroom Fixtures by Eljer
Washroom Fixtures by Elkay
Washroom Fixtures by Zurn
Washroom Fixtures by Delta Faucet
Drinking Fountains by Elkay
Paint/Wallcoverings by Pittsburgh Paints
Ceilings by USG
HVAC Units by Trane
Athletic Equipment by Porter Athletic Equipment
Signage by ASI-Modulex
Whiteboards / Markerboards / Chalkboards by PolyVision
Roofing by Mulehide Roofing
Ceramic Tile by Crossville
Flooring by Crossville
Washroom Accessories by A&J Washroom Accessories
Communications Systems by Bogen Communications
Physical-Education Flooring by Robbins Sports Surfaces
Lockers by Superior
Brick/Masonry by Endicott Tile
Brick/Masonry by Sioux City Brick
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