Union County Vocational Technical High School
Scotch Plains, New Jersey
The renovated community college building now houses the new magnet high school for the intense study of science, mathematics, and technology. Every aspect of a traditional school, including instruction, research, student body and administrative information, functions around the interactive data and communication systems in the new school. The emphasis on the full integration of technology systems into the educational process was mandated by the Board of Education. The capacity is 250 students in grades 9-12.
All classrooms are provided with interactive voice and video monitors (ITV) served with a fiber optic communications backbone. Video projection screens and monitors were designed in –place as integral teaching tools. The new media center is exclusively electronic, with a full audio-video-data network. Monitors throughout the facility announce school activities and functions. Students, faculty and administration can also use the network for personal communication.
The chemistry, physics and biology labs, located on the second floor, are fully integrated with computer technology; making computer generated demonstrations, lectures and reports an integral component of student experiments.
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1998 Architectural Portfolio