Tuugaalik High School
Tuugaalik high school lies directly on the Arctic Circle in the hamlet of Naujaat, in northern Canada. In addressing the needs of the students, the architect was influenced by Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ)—Inuk guidelines that are meant to inform all aspects of daily life. Elements of IQ that informed the design included: respect, being open and welcoming, community service, consensus building, resourcefulness, and environment-caring.
Traditional methods of Inuit learning were based on teaching survival skills through informal, community interaction. In addition to providing learning spaces associated with southern pedagogy, the design provides spaces for more traditional activities such as fur preparation and carving.
The Kiva (large communal space) celebrates the ascending southern sun, and connections to the Arctic Ocean. The space is meant to be welcoming to community elders who, it is hoped, will feel welcomed to share their traditional knowledge in an informal, communal space.
Vibrant colors symbolic of the Arctic’s brief spring, help to dispel negative attributes. Specialized techniques were employed to protect the permafrost and keep snow away from building facades.
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Accutech Engineering Inc.
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2017 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Common Areas
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