The University of Texas at Austin College of Education
Austin, Texas
This renovation of the University of Texas at Austin College of Education transformed the facility through a reorganization of spaces throughout the building and a comprehensive refresh of the common areas. The internal reorganization enabled previously scattered departments and research centers to coalesce into definable academic suites, which created gains in spatial efficiency as well as improved staff productivity. New office suites balance openness and privacy in a mix of open and individual offices. Hybrid work modes are addressed through huddle and conference rooms that can accommodate virtual meetings, and the “collaboration café” is designed for in-office employees to hold impromptu team meetings and collaboration sessions.
The renovation further seized upon the opportunity provided by the reorganization to insert student-centered spaces into the program, as the building previously lacked a social and academic hub for the college’s students. From this highly visible location adjacent to the building’s main entry and a new Student Services Center, the Glickman Student Lounge acts as a magnet to draw students to the college and also serves as destination within the building where students can benefit from connection to their peers as well as academic faculty.
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Featured in
2023 Educational Interiors Showcase
Interior category
Interior Renovation
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