The University of Iowa, Catlett Residence Hall

Iowa City, Iowa


Rohrbach Associates


The University of Iowa


303,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


The Catlett Residence Hall project involved designing and building a 12-story student housing facility consisting of 1,049 beds within 28 living-learning houses. Each house has a lounge, and each floor has a group study room.
Student support spaces include a study commons with a large open study space surrounded by enclosed group study rooms, a multipurpose room, a seminar room, a game room, a fitness room, a residence life kitchen, a hall government office, a central laundry room and lobby lounges. The residence hall also contains a full-service dining facility that seats about 800 and multiple serving venues, including a late-night dining option and a private dining room.
The building also contains residence life office spaces with an RA work area and three accessible hall coordinator apartments. Building support spaces include a full-service dock, storage rooms, maintenance shop, and a custodial suite containing offices, training room, laundry, locker rooms and a break room. All mechanical and electrical support spaces are included in the building support spaces on the first floor.
The new residence hall is a limestone, brick and glass structure situated above the 500-year-plus-two-feet flood plain. An elevated walkway on the east side of the building connects the main entry student support floor to the T. Anne Cleary walkway that runs through central campus.

Additional Information

Associated Firm

arley Ellis Devereaux (Design Partner), Miron Construction (Design Build Partner)

Cost per Sq Ft


Featured in

2018 Educational Interiors Showcase

Interior category

Residence Halls/Lounges

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