The Bailey Family Fitness & Training Center
Knoxville, Tennessee
Design team
Margaret Butler, Haley Zimmerman, Gray Taylor, Callie Elonen, Emanuel Huber-Feely, Aaron Miller, Ben Brewer, John Hockensmith
With a focus on health and fitness, The Bailey Family Fitness & Training Center was designed to be welcoming and inclusive to the full school community.
It features a space for nutrition education/group exercise/yoga classes, golf simulation, weight and resistance training, cardio workouts, an indoor turf space that opens to an outdoor athletic field, and an office for the athletic director. It is designed in a palette of patterned brick, glass, Kalwall, and metal panels; all materials are matched from buildings throughout campus. Fenestration is defined with glazed voids where the brick clad volumes open to enable ample daylight to wash the interiors.
Interior materials are modest; the lobby and circulation areas have concrete floors, and sports performance flooring and turf are in active areas. Interior CMU-bearing walls are exposed, painted, and branded, and stud walls are infill.
With ample transparency, the building is easily read and understood from inside and out. Using light, vibrant color, and dynamic interconnected volumes, it promotes discovery and delight in the pursuit of health and fitness.
Additional Information
Associated Firm
Albert F.G. Bedinger Consulting Engineers; Ardurra Group; Hedstrom Landscape Architecture; Ross Bryan Associates; Vreeland Engineers
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2024 Architectural Portfolio
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