Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Sorority at The University of Mississippi
Oxford, Mississippi
Design team
PryorMorrow: Charlie Watson AIA (Architect of Record); Roger Pryor, Architect AIA (Lead Designer); Kelly Bierwagen (Intern Architect)
The Tau Chapter of Chi Omega at the University of Mississippi underwent a renovation and addition consisting of resident rooms, communal bathrooms, a chapter room, servery, dining room, library, living room, and study rooms. The house’s additions unite the composition to create a dramatic entry sequence focusing on a central courtyard. Historical authenticity in the plan composition and massing, coupled with thoughtful detailing, were essential requirements of the project. Life safety enhancements and accessibility improvements were required to retain one-third of the area of the original sorority house. Historic buildings offer valuable lessons in sustainability. The most fundamental aspect of sustainability centers on longevity. Water-shedding roof design, management of runoff, protection of building openings, and thoughtful materials detailing are the building blocks of longevity. Daylighting and sensitive integration of HVAC systems into the structure and architecture of the building are essential sustainability elements. The most important questions a designer must ask are: Does the architecture embody intrinsic values that support long-term preservation? Do the residents value the building and treasure the memories of their interactions in the building?
Additional Information
Associated Firm
John Lavender ASLA (Landscape Architect); Precision Engineering (Civil Engineer); Second Moment (Structural Engineer); Ann Carter (Interior Designer); WAR Construction
Cost per Sq Ft
Featured in
2023 Architectural Portfolio
Interior category
Residence Halls/Lounges
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