Sycamore Creek Elementary School

Raleigh, North Carolina


Small Kane Architects


Wake County Public School System


103,444 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Sycamore Creek Elementary is a design adaptation of an elementary school prototype model for the Wake County Public School System.

The project’s main goal was to design a building to accommodate 800 students, yet maintain a compact building footprint, and maximize the school’s space flexibility while positioning the facility on a small site. The two-story plan makes efficient use of a limited site, and the facility wraps around an enclosed courtyard. The courtyard provides a safe and secure environment for outdoor teaching and student activities.

South-facing classrooms feature sunscreens and interior light shelves to reflect natural, ambient light throughout spaces. This specific position planning, coupled with light sensors, reduces the amount of artificial light usage and highlights the palette of stimulating primary colors integrated on the floors, walls and finishes. The colors add interest and assist students in wayfinding.

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Cost per Sq Ft


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2009 Architectural Portfolio

AS&U Design Competitions

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